Warm Holiday Wishes

All of us here at Project Canoe would like to take this time to wish our community of supporters Happy Holidays. As we enter our 35th year of service on behalf of youth who face barriers in Ontario, we pause to reflect on the amazing volunteers, donors, funders, and staff who make it all possible, year after year. May you and yours experience joy, peace, and rest in the coming weeks and new year. Warm Regards, Melanie Redman, Executive Director and the Project Canoe Board and Staff

Announcing the Cindy Bennett (Aubertin) Memorial Fund

Project Canoe is honoured to announce the creation of the Cindy Bennett (Aubertin) Memorial Fund. Cindy came to Project Canoe as an intern in 1998. At the time she said that Project Canoe was a good fit because it combined her two passions, working with youth and the outdoors. She returned as a trip leader the following year, and is remembered by Project Canoe staff as being very upbeat, enthusiastic and sensitive, but also very "straight up" with the youth who went on trip in those years.

Project Canoe Board Member Vanessa Mascherenas remembers that Cindy “had a particular skill in breaking things down and helping youth manage, step by step. She was also a great lifeguard and swim instructor, and helped us certify our LIT’s and interns, as well as update our waterfront procedures at Briggs. She was a very hard worker and never complained about long hours or challenging youth. She was very invested in them and truly enjoyed spending time getting to know them and making their trips memorable.”

A friend of Cindy’s remembered many of her stories from working at Project Canoe. The thing Cindy talked about most was the change she saw in the youth once a trip was completed. Many had a new appreciation for their environment and their actions, and she felt that through Project Canoe, she had really made a difference in the lives of many young people.

The Cindy Bennett (Aubertin) Memorial Fund has been established as a way to honour Cindy’s memory and her important work at Project Canoe. All donations to the funds will be used to support Project Canoe's summer program.

4th Annual Fundraising Event a Wild Success!

Thanks so much to everyone who attended our 4th Annual Fundraising Event, or donated to our silent auction in support of the Alicia Ross Memorial Fund for Youth. The evening was a wild success with our phenomenal community of supporters, fantastic music, and delicious food and drinks. We surpassed our goals for the evening and made new friends in the process. Remarks for the evening were given by Board member and former PC trip leader Dr. Tushar Mehta. Dylan Conley was our eloquent youth speaker, who joined us as an intern for the summer of 2010. Hear Dylan speak more about his experiences with PC in the video below. A special thanks to the family of Alicia Ross and the Imperial Pub for the support and generosity in making this event happen.

Sound like fun? Get involved with Project Canoe! Email info@canoe.org for information and opportunities.

KEEN Canada's 'Boots Give Back' Event

Have you ever had someone hand you a larger-than-life cheque? Well, when you know the money is going to help youth experience the Canadian outdoors, it's all the more exciting! In an earlier post, we launched this exciting partnership with KEEN Canada where they generously donate to Project Canoe every time someone uploads a photo of their outdoor shoes "in action" to KEEN's website, and designates the donation to us. What a great idea and fundraiser! KEEN presented PC with a cheque at their recent family day event.

Thanks to KEEN Canada, and a special thanks to all of our supporters who took photos!

Fall Weekend at Kinark Outdoor Centre

Our year-round programming strives to reconnect Project Canoe with youth who attended a canoe trip in the summer time.  These events are also a great opportunity for new youth to learn about Project Canoe and all the outdoor programs we offer. During our recent fall weekend at the end of October, we organized a trip up to the Kinark Outdoor Centre in Minden, Ontario.  We had a huge crowd, with 19 youth participants - many of whom participated in PC canoe trips in Temagami this last summer!

Over the weekend, we enjoyed the autumn weather by learning archery, challenging ourselves on a high ropes course, and climbing an outdoor climbing wall. At night time, we played games and all hung out around a camp fire, talking, laughing and sharing. Everyone had a great time, and we are all looking forward to our next year 'round programming event in February.

Camp Photo Contest!

Our Kids Media, The Society of Camp Directors & PENTAX have announced their annual Camp Photo Contest. Photographs taken by campers and staff during the 2010 camping season are eligible to win a PENTAX Digital Camera – but they need to see your best shot! The contest is open until November 19, 2010, and you can send in one, two, or even three entries! Winners will be featured in the 2011 edition of Our Kids Go To Camp (200,000 copies) and on OurKids.net and Camps.ca (80,000+ visitors each month).

For more information, click HERE to download the official contest brochure, or visit  www.ourkids.net/contests/ photocontest.php to get started with your contest entry.

Keep those shutters clicking!!

Year-round Program Kick-off!

Join us for our Fall Weekend Event! It’s now Autumn - that means the leaves are changing to new and beautiful colours, and the air is crisper! Let’s enjoy this time by staying at Kinark Outdoor Centre for a weekend. We’ll go on hikes, challenge ourselves on an outdoor climbing wall and high ropes course. We can also learn about wilderness survival skills and the sport of archery. Please join us on Oct 22 – 24 for our Fall Weekend Event. Interested? Find out more and get your forms HERE.

Summer 2010 Reflections

Summer 2010 was exceptional at Project Canoe. I may be bias, however, as I only caught the tail end of it as the new Head of Project Canoe. If you've ever met any of the Project Canoe Youth, participated on the Board, volunteered, or led trips for us, you'd probably agree that every summer is the BEST SUMMER YET! When I first joined Project Canoe in August, I had the privilege of visiting our base camp in Temagami, where the summer staff, led by Sheryl Yip, were busy closing up shop and debriefing from the summer programs. I was struck by the level of commitment and skill demonstrated by each and every staff person, and their stories of the amazing work they did with PC Youth over the summer. The natural beauty of Temagami, along with the welcoming nature of our community partners in the area, confirmed that I made the right choice in joining the Project Canoe team.

To wrap up, I want to share a little video with you that I made while in Temagami. Want to be completely inspired by the work of Project Canoe? You can watch the other interviews I did with Project Canoe summer interns here.

-Melanie Redman, Project Canoe

KEEN Canada 'Kicks off' Annual Care Program with 'Boots Give Back'!

Toronto, ON, Canada  – KEEN Canada kicks off their third annual care program in support of social and environmental organizations across Canada. The KEEN 'Boots Give Back' program inspires people to be active in the outdoors, to be creative and to care about the environment around them. Canadians across the country are encouraged to submit photos of their boots (or shoes) on the trails across Canada - hiking, cycling, kayaking or volunteering.

For every photo submitted Keen will donate $5 dollars to the organization that the individual selects. This year the chosen organizations receiving donations are The Bruce Trail Conservancy, Project Canoe, Trans Canada Trail and Wildlife Rescue.

Donations to: The Bruce Trail Conservancy will be put towards preserving Canada’s longest and oldest footpath that runs along the beautiful Niagara Escarpment.

Project Canoe will enable at-risk youth to experience the life-changing wilderness program in Temagami.

Trans Canada Trail will go towards building trails that connect Canadians from coast to coast.

Wildlife Rescue Association will be devoted to improving the welfare of urban wildlife through rehabilitation and public education.

Participants can access the program by visiting the KEEN Canada website or the direct site at www.keencanada.ca/BootsGiveBack/home.aspx and uploading their creative photo submissions. KEEN has set a goal of 15,000 Boots Giving Back totaling a donation of $75,000.

Online submissions are being accepted until October 31, 2010 or until goal has been reached.

For more information, please visit www.keencanada.ca Cano trip planner .