Summer 2010 Reflections

Summer 2010 was exceptional at Project Canoe. I may be bias, however, as I only caught the tail end of it as the new Head of Project Canoe. If you've ever met any of the Project Canoe Youth, participated on the Board, volunteered, or led trips for us, you'd probably agree that every summer is the BEST SUMMER YET! When I first joined Project Canoe in August, I had the privilege of visiting our base camp in Temagami, where the summer staff, led by Sheryl Yip, were busy closing up shop and debriefing from the summer programs. I was struck by the level of commitment and skill demonstrated by each and every staff person, and their stories of the amazing work they did with PC Youth over the summer. The natural beauty of Temagami, along with the welcoming nature of our community partners in the area, confirmed that I made the right choice in joining the Project Canoe team.

To wrap up, I want to share a little video with you that I made while in Temagami. Want to be completely inspired by the work of Project Canoe? You can watch the other interviews I did with Project Canoe summer interns here.

-Melanie Redman, Project Canoe