Project Canoe is honoured to announce the creation of the Cindy Bennett (Aubertin) Memorial Fund. Cindy came to Project Canoe as an intern in 1998. At the time she said that Project Canoe was a good fit because it combined her two passions, working with youth and the outdoors. She returned as a trip leader the following year, and is remembered by Project Canoe staff as being very upbeat, enthusiastic and sensitive, but also very "straight up" with the youth who went on trip in those years.
Project Canoe Board Member Vanessa Mascherenas remembers that Cindy “had a particular skill in breaking things down and helping youth manage, step by step. She was also a great lifeguard and swim instructor, and helped us certify our LIT’s and interns, as well as update our waterfront procedures at Briggs. She was a very hard worker and never complained about long hours or challenging youth. She was very invested in them and truly enjoyed spending time getting to know them and making their trips memorable.”
A friend of Cindy’s remembered many of her stories from working at Project Canoe. The thing Cindy talked about most was the change she saw in the youth once a trip was completed. Many had a new appreciation for their environment and their actions, and she felt that through Project Canoe, she had really made a difference in the lives of many young people.
The Cindy Bennett (Aubertin) Memorial Fund has been established as a way to honour Cindy’s memory and her important work at Project Canoe. All donations to the funds will be used to support Project Canoe's summer program.