Nancy Doadt Memorial Fund
Please donate to Project Canoe in loving memory of Nancy Doadt.
“Nancy Doadt was an Intensive Care nurse from Waterloo, Ontario. Along with her husband, and with some of her closest nursing friends, Nancy made frequent canoe trips to Algonquin, Temagami, Killarny, Georgian Bay and through local lakes and rivers. Aside from her family, canoeing was Nancy’s passion. She loved her Souris River Prospector! When Nancy was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, she talked about her wishes with her family. One of those wishes was wanting people to donate to a charity that provided canoe tripping experiences for young people who might otherwise never get the chance to do what Nancy loved doing. Project Canoe was the perfect fit for her wishes. Thank you for supporting Nancy’s legacy with your donation! ”
Click below to donate to the Nancy Doadt Memorial Fund.