YIMBY Festival

Project Canoe will have a table at the YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) Festival this weekend! Come by, say hello and meet some of the other local organisations trying to change Toronto for the better. For more information, go to yimbytoronto.org or look below. YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard Festival) 2015 Saturday, October 31st, 11am- - 3pm Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University 55 Dundas Street West

Free and open to the public

The annual YIMBY Festival provides a social space for people and groups involved in grassroots, locally-driven community development to gather, exchange ideas and strategies to affect change, and imagine their future city. This free, one-day event invites community groups and not profits from across Toronto to educate residents, politicians, policy makers, and each other through informal table discussions and presentations.

YIMBY provides an opportunity for neighbours to meet neighbours, residents to meet politicians, and politicians to meet community groups in the spirit of people coming together for positive change.

This year's YIMBY festival will welcome 100+ Toronto based groups involved in community development, civic literacy, neighborhood improvement, environmental action, arts and culture, and economic development.

YIMBY is about enhancing civic literacy and engagement and moving the city forward. It’s a space for community members and community organizations to connect and they want you there.

Throughout the day, attendees can connect with organizations at informational displays and take in free, interactive workshops and activities for community, by community groups. YIMBY is free and open to all, and the venue is fully accessible. Visit yimbytoronto.org for more information about YIMBY Tablers, and Programming.